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Through the body we ease the mind and spirit

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Cupping Therapy with Ninah Hofmann in San Francisco, CA


Moxa treatment with Ninah Hofmann in San Francisco, CA



Acupuncture with Ninah Hofmann in San Francisco,

Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, sterile, and disposable filiform needles into specific sites on the body known as acupoints. These acupoints are correlated with neurovascular structures in the body, needling these acupoints affects physiological change eliciting a therapeutic response. Thousands of years ago the Chinese discovered and mapped out the location of these points. Recently, scientific research has confirmed their existence and location.


According to Chinese medical theory, a vital energy called Qi runs in a circuit through the body. If the flow of Qi is disrupted through stress, poor diet, trauma, injury, etc., it will cause an imbalance in the body and lead to symptoms such as pain, anxiety, digestive distress, poor sleep, etc. Through the use of acupuncture we can reestablish the flow of Qi to help re-create balance, and activate the body’s innate healing ability. Western science is now discovering the therapeutic effects of acupuncture on many of the body’s systems, including the neurological, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory and digestive.


Acupuncture also helps increase energy levels, regulate the immune system, and promote deep relaxation and a sense of well-being.


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Cupping therapy is a technique that uses cups placed over the skin to create negative pressure through suction. Cupping is the reverse of massage where instead of pressing down onto the skin and muscles, a vacuum is created within the cup, pulling up on the skin, fascia/connective tissue, muscles and other structures. Cupping therapy often produces a discoloration of the skin or ‘transitory therapeutic petechiae’, (sounds like “puh-tee-kee-uh”)… tiny round brown-purple spots due to bleeding under the skin. When petechial blood is reabsorbed, the breakdown of hemoglobin upregulates a number of substances that are anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective. Cupping therapy supports immunity, reduces fever, decreases inflammation, stimulates inhibitory neural pathways, alters pain thresholds, and promotes blood circulation… thereby reducing discomfort in the target tissues.


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Cupping Therapy with Ninah Hofmann in San Francisco, CA


Moxa with Ninah Hofmann in San Francisco, CA

Moxibustion ("Moxa") is the burning of the herb mugwort (‘artemisia vulgaris’ or ‘ai ye’) on or above acupoints, painful joints, or other areas depending on health need, to affect therapeutic change in the body. Moxa stimulates acupoints, and therefore has many of the same therapeutic benefits as acupuncture. Moxa increases blood flow, which increases oxygenation, thus helping to reduce inflammation.


Moxa enhances immunity and studies have shown moxa significantly increases white blood cell count, a major component of the immune system.


Moxa is best known to have a therapeutic effect on joint pain, arthritis, digestive issues, menstrual issues and turning breech babies.


Instructions for At Home Moxa Stick Use


Work with Ninah

Appointments include check-in about health status and an acupuncture treatment. Depending on individual need, we may also include lifestyle and nutritional strategies, supplements, herbal medicine, cupping, microcurrent therapy or instructions for at home moxa.

Things to keep in mind before your acupuncture treatment:


  • Try to avoid caffeine within 3 hours of your appointment.

  • It’s best to have something light to eat before your treatment, avoid coming for acupuncture on a completely empty stomach.

  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing

  • Appointments last about 1 hour in full

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