Moxibustion ("Moxa") is the burning of the herb mugwort (‘artemisia vulgaris’ or ‘ai ye’) on or above acupoints, painful joints, or other areas depending on health need, to affect therapeutic change in the body. Moxa stimulates acupoints, and therefore has many of the same therapeutic benefits as acupuncture. Moxa increases blood flow, which increases oxygenation, thus helping to reduce inflammation.
Moxa enhances immunity and studies have shown moxa significantly increases white blood cell count, a major component of the immune system.
Moxa is best known to have a therapeutic effect on joint pain, arthritis, digestive issues, menstrual issues and turning breech babies.
Instructions for At Home Moxa Stick Use:
Have at hand:
A lighter, candle or matches for igniting the moxa
Ceramic or glass dish for ash
A glass screw-top jar to extinguish moxa when the treatment is finished or a moxa extinguisher
Reasonable ventilation.
How to use a moxa stick
Light one end with your ignition device. If you are using smokeless moxa it may take several minutes to light.
Hold the lit end of the stick over the area that is being treated at a distance of at least two to three centimeters to ensure that skin contact does not occur.
Hold the moxa stick over the area that requires treatment until it feels pleasantly warm. When it feels uncomfortably hot, move the moxa stick a short distance away. Repeat. Hold the stick like a pen between thumb and forefinger and use in a pecking motion. Your practitioner may advise other application techniques depending on the area of the body and the intention of the treatment.
Continue to warm the acupuncture point or area for the prescribed amount of time. Usually between three to five minutes per point. If there is pain or discomfort, stop the treatment. It should feel pleasant and soothing.
At the end of the treatment place the moxa stick into a glass jar and screw the lid on firmly to ensure that no oxygen is getting into the jar thus extinguishing the stick. You can also gently extinguish the moxa stick in sand. Do not use water. The moxa stick can then be re-lit for repeated treatments.
A few things when using moxa at home
If you believe the moxa is no longer heating hold it about two to three centimeters away from the back of your hand to confirm and re-light if required.
Never touch the lit end of the moxa stick even if it is no longer glowing.
Ash that forms when using moxa can be gently brushed off using a rolling motion against the edge of the small dish, ensuring that the moxa stick remains hot. Do not tap the stick as it can cause cracks.